Parent council

The parent council consists of a fixed group of 8 parents. They have a chairman, a note-taker and a treasurer. Tasks of the parent council are for example: help with the preparations of the school party, help with school trips, taking care of the 'shoe gifts' with Sinterklaas and helping to decorate the school. This is naturally with close consultation of the team. The cooperation between the parent council and the team is very important. Therefore Charlie and Floor (teachers) are always present as an additional council member. They make sure the communiction is optimalized. During every meeting there is a discussion which activities need the help of the parent council.
The members of the parent council are:

Maaike - chairman (mother of Tom) 

Gabi - treasurer (Mother of Bas and Jan) 

Wanda (mother of Tygo) 

Brigitte (mother of Benjamin) 

Ottelien (mother of Boaz

Bas (father of Sacha)

Ayelette (mother of Sinai)

Merlijn (father of Daantje) 


Parental contribution

At the start of each schoolyear every family receives a letter from the parent council with the request to pay the voluntary parental contribution. The amount for the contribution depends on how many of your children go to school. 

Number of children Amount Total amount of all children
First child € 75,- € 75,-
Second child  € 65,- € 140,-
Third child € 60,- € 200,-
Fourth child € 55,- € 255,-

On top of this, we ask the parents from the students in group 8 to pay an additional €85,- to pay for the schoolcamp.


The parental contribution can be paid by bank to the parent council: NL47INGB0003807588 in the name of Ouderraad 3e Daltonbasisschool. Please mention the name and class of your oldest child in the description. It is possible to pay the contribution in one, two, three or four terms. 



For parents who can't afford to pay the contribution (fully), there is a possibility to apply for a compensation (scholierenvergoeding) for schoolcosts at the municipality of Amsterdam. When you want to apply for this you can sign yourself up with Thea Sikkens (our administrator). The requirements for this compensation can be found on this website.